You can visit this link for more information about OCMPD

Website:  https://www.ocmpd.com/

The OCMPD maintains most of the parks and green spaces around the Goodnight Ranch district: 

Whitter Pond

Whitter Park

Charles Merle Park

Alderman Park

Slater greenspace

Blaze Park

Corrine greenspace

Vertex Channel and Pond Park & Remuda Pond 

Dyer Park

>This includes trash pick up. 

OCMPD Streetscape Maintenance Responsibility: 

1. Irrigation in most streetscapes

2. Replenish the mulch around the streetscape (planting strip) trees twice a year- spring and fall

3. Maintain all streetscape trees

You can reach out to the Park District Manager, Nikki Cockrell, at: 



>> Owners are responsible for this streetscape (between the sidewalk and street) maintenance: 

1. Mow, Edge and Weed

2. Replenish mulch the rest of the year

3. Remove weeds from the mulch ring